I'm Just Curious. Did Anyone Have A Relationship That Did Not Last Because Of Your Epilepsy?
I always get scared about my relationships and my seizures but luckily a good relationship should never cause a seizure and if it does never give up hope because if you have a good partner they will be there for the ups and downs seizures or not. Stay strong and I hope you find a relationship that lasts a lifetime
No. I told my husband while we were dating that I had epilepsy and several days later I had one of the worst seizures in my life. I don't have time in my life for people who can't deal with my epilepsy - it is a part of me like my brown eyes - take it or leave it.
As amazing as you'd be for him too. A sign of caring to help another
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I’ve never been on a date either. I’m never around other people so how am I supposed to meet anyone.
I’ve always been afraid to date.
Geography Question: Is Anyone Here From Austria?
How Much Is Known About Connections Between Migraine And Epilepsy?
Does Anyone Have Any Seizures That Present Similar To A Panick Attack? What About Before An Episode/after One?