Are There Any Non Pharmaceutical Treatments That Tend To Work For Epilepsy?
Please realize how people once tried all kinds of things before we knew how to even explain seizures. Now we know its a physical prob of brain function not a mental one. Like diabetes of pancreas so have meds to help. First century thru time to finally have AEDs to ward off seizures. Get smart not try to Dr self for any physical prob.
I absolutely have to make sure I get enough sleep and stay pretty stress free. Those don't sound like a big deal and everyone should work on those, but I definitely glitch more if I don't make those a priority.
I have been taking creatine once a day and I have noticed a large improvement to the amount of seizures I have. It’s not a 100% cure, for me at least, but it has definitely slowed them down if you are interested in trying that.
All the alternatives treatments ( Brain surgery , VVNS , DBS and RNS ) aren’t 100% guaranteed to work without assistance from AED medication .
When People Say..... " I Resist To Take Pharmaceuticals."
Has Anyone Have Experience With Getting Workplace Accomodations To Work From Home To Manage Their Seizures And Epilepsy?
Been Told That I’m Not Having Seizures. I Have Been Told It’s All Psychological. So I’m Lying And It’s All In My Head? Why Am I On Meds?