We Have Our Way To Get Our Meds , You Ever Had To Pay Out Of Pocket For Them, For Whatever The Cause Was,?
I've had it happen to me a couple of times, I am not sure if it was my insurance with, my copay, or the company was short of supply not having enough, but I have and was a little expensive I'd say, out of pocket is a bit expensive and ran a pretty penny, it's happened a little while ago but not recently, what are your thoughts here?
Yes. I always had to pay for my meds until I finally signed up with Pharmacare to find a doctor- since then they paid for my meds. Too bad I didn't do it earlier.
Bill Lucky to live in Canada for the great health coverage for all reasons.
Although I am slated as leave-of-absence, due to my seizures, which makes makes me still on the work books I am covered for my medications through insurance. The only bad side is, that insurance only covers generic when I pay for them. Being a Canadian, when I am admitted to a hospital the brand names are covered by our government.
I have a copay
Recently when I signed up at Pharmacare, they cover all my medication,.
You Had To Pay Out Of Pocket For Your Meds For A Mishap With Your Med Company You Got Them From, And Did You Find Another Way To Get Them?
Is It Ok? Being On The Meds We Are Taking, And You Had Some Of Your Old Meds You Were Taken Off By Doc, And You Ran Out Of Your Current One
Do You Keep Count Of Your Meds You Have Or No ? I Try To I Think It Kinda Does Help Even Though They Have The Amount On The Order Form.