A ? About Our Health And Our Conditions We Have, With The Condition And Treatment And Such Etc We Have, I Have More About Below.
I am not against the medical field and the technology and such etc, but as for the? Do you once in a while think of say what they are doing as for your treatment and meds and such etc are not doing anything or maybe are and you think should be say done about but isn't and they keep with you doing and on even though they are the medical field and the docs, but they won't go about it, I am not knocking down the the medical field and medical stuff etc but wondering about this β I thought of andβ¦ read more
I think if I understand this question, is that can life be better. This I feel is self awareness. Our conditions are constantly changing. At least mine has. I pretty quick to recognize when I'm just not right. Too many meds spiraled me into an attempted suicide. I had to ask myself which was more important to me...no seizures or better mental health. I get frustrated because I feel there has to be something out there that brings a better quality of life. But in the long run if making my life circle smaller let's me be happy, that's the key for me. I hope I wasn't off target with this answer.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member The only thing that annoys me at the moment with my treatment is that my old Neurologist cut back his patients so now I'm left seeing a Neurologist that isn't really specialized in this area. Thankfully it hasn't really affected me short term but long term I'm not to sure how it will work.
This is a pretty hard question to answer. In my case no I don't. The reason why? I generally have a pretty good understanding of where things are at and what my condition is like. I did always have the feeling things could always be done better, and this hasn't changed but that doesn't mean go and change meds, more tests or that I would rather have surgery.
In my case, I think as far as my CP is concerned, more treatment should have been done when I was a child besides surgery and braces. Nothing was ever done to teach me how to use my hand. There was OT back in the day to do so but it was neglected. When it was tried 15 years ago the therapist did not work on me long enough. Today there is a robotic brace for my arm/hand, but not one doctor has ever advised that for me.
I feel my doctor is on the same page as me as far as treatment goes.
A ? I'm Curious About Below
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
A Neutral? As For Our Conditions We Have, And How People See Us And Think, What About The Other People And Their Conditions And Such ,more