As Our Conditions And Mem Goes? Below
I mentioned the? Here before and asked if you may have taken your meds and forgotten If you took them, I have just went online and ordered a meal and thought i had did so assuming I did, but got the order and didn't get what I thought I ordered, I do know my mem is not like it was, but have you been in a or had a situation where you thought you did something you could have sworn you did but found dif , i am curious about the? I not complaining but I just paid a 15. 58 for a bowl of chili and… read more
Memory problems seem to be a problem with epilepsy. This seems to be a common problem. Can be meds or the place in the brain where seizures originate Hope this helps
Dave I don’t have that problem. I have a device that dispenses my doses twice a day when it’s time to take them. It also lets me know when it’s getting low in one of the holders of one of the three that I’m taking. It’ll also give me reminders if I haven’t gotten the dose out of the cup by text saying don’t forget your dose at so and so time that I set it for. It’s a good tool to have .
My memory is slowly becoming a bit more concerning for me. And getting words out is too.
My memory is quite difficult. I find that I have forgotten big chunks of my life. Some comes back, some doesn't. Sometimes if someone tells me I may remember. It's quite frustrating between memory loss and being tired all the time. My first out and out attack/seizure that was recognized as a seizure was 4 or 5 in a row. I remember nothing. It also set off my existing fibromyalgia badly so I have lots if pain and stiffness. I'm learning as I go as to how to deal with it all.
My memory is pretty sketchy, between the epilepsy and the meds I'm not sure which is causing the most problems.
A? As For The Conditions We Have,which Of These Seems To Be The Most Important To You And Your Condition,, The Condition, Or The More Below
A?, Having Our Conditions And Such Etc We Have, And It's Not Our Fault But Having It, And More Below
Did Your Condition Effect Your School As For Going To It? I Had Noticed My Condition But Don't Remember Get Sent Home From Them , More Below