A ? Have You Had A Time Where You Had To Use The Bathroom And It Was Where You Needed To Go But All Of The Bathrooms Were Occupied?
I've have that happen time to time, and took necessary measures to get myself relieved, it's not anyone's fault that happens, just more like wrong timing, kinda unfortunate I'd say, what are your thoughts on the?
We have all been in this position at one time or another. Luckily most of my travel is in the middle of nowhere, so the side of the road is often peed upon.
Funny to me cause loss of bladder always occurs-once worst part of seizures esp if in public. Eliminated by panty-like products to prevent leaks. Can relax just wait for any seizure to pass w/o this worry. Have ones for men too just like reg undies. Can wear tightest jeans with no show too..
Yes, it has happened several times at work. Most of time people are sitting down using their phone.
I have had times when all bathrooms were occupied . Depending on whether I have to go 1 or 2 in the bathroom, will answer whether I have to wait for the people in the different bathrooms or take advantage of being a guy and finding a private hiding spot outside
A few times but I could wait until one became open.
Iām Wondering If My Daughter Has This. Are You More Likely To Have It If Your Parent Does? I Have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
? Does Where You See Your Doc Have A Pharmacy In The Facility, I Found Out Mine Did But Didn't Know What For, But Then Found Out, More Below
Did You Get The Right Meds At When You Were Diagnosed With Your Condition, And Were They The Right One (s) ?