It’s Been A Month Since I’ve Had My First Seizure. I’m Adjusting To 2 Different Meds. When I Go To Work Now Everyone Treats Me Different
At work they have moved me to another area with different/less work. It’s bad because I’m having issues grasping “new” stuff. I’m scared they will be firing me soon
There are always new challenges in new areas of a job. Focus, and you can do this. Many times, they move you for safety reasons so you are not hurt there are some jobs that can be more challenging. Sometimes there are advantages to moving to other areas of the job market also. Don't just see the negative. The worry and the stress are going to cause more seizures also. Try not to cause more issue.
Melissa is correct about safety. Depending on where you work, and the type of job you have, changing your position could be a way of putting you in a safer environment. Additionally, if they fire you and you suspect it is because of your health, you do have a right to question them and even seek legal advice. The US does have the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which was passed in 1990. It protects people in the workplace and in various other sectors from discrimination based on disabilities. If you feel that it will help, talk to your doctor. I have documentation at the school where I work stipulating that I am supposed to be out of the building for fire drills.
Still working?
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