Does Anyone Have A Recommendation On Mouth Guards For Sleeping? I Have Tried Several But Spit Them Out When I Have A Seizure.
Thanks Becky - I made an appointment with my dentist for tomorrow. Yes - I tried an HEB mouthguard. It was made for football and not sleeping and I spit it out at my last seizure and bit the tongue. My dentist estimated my mouth guard will cost about $550. But if I stop biting my tongue it will be worth it.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , My dentist makes my mouth guards & then sends them off to a lab for the actual making of it. They apparently just recently started making mouth guards right there in their office but the one they made in their office for me was to tight & uncomfortable & so they made another & sent it off to the lab to actually be made & just like the other 2 that they had the lab do, fit perfectly & comfortably. The over the counter ones were to loose & you might be familiar with the grocery store HEB, well, one time I tried their brand of a mouth guard several months ago & I think the guard went above my top gums & was to tight. My regular insurance doesn’t cover my mouth guards & so I had to pay out of pocket for it & my last one I think probably cost either $400 or $700 dollars, I don’t remember exactly. But they can be worth it. When I didn’t have insurance I had to go a while without a mouth guard cause the one I had broke, & during that time I had 2 different seizures, the first one I bit my lip & it was really sore, numb & swollen & the second time I bit my lip & my tongue. So that’s when I found that not only does my mouth guard help with my TMJ, it helps protect my mouth due to my seizures. You could ask your dentist about how much they might charge for one. I don’t know if you have any insurance but here in the Austin area there’s a clinic called LoneStar Circle of Care & they have a dentist office in Georgetown, Texas along with a Family clinic & a Behavioral Health Center & a Vision Clinic. This is a clinic for those who either don’t have insurance or are low income. I don’t know if you would qualify for that, but you would. But the mouth guard from your dentist can fit perfectly & be worth it because it can protect you but after a good while of use mine have broken & then I’ve had to get another but they last a good while. Mine comes in it’s own holder & each time I go to the dentist, I take it for them to clean. Your friend in Austin, Texas, Becky
Your dentist can make you a perfect one. Right @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Thank you - I had that on my list but wanted to check other options if possible.
The best place for month guards is the dentist. There custom made to fit. Not cheap though.
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Ive Been Waking Up In The Morning With A Sore Tongue,could This Meen Im Having Seizures In My Sleep?