Do You Look Forward To The Coming Holidays And What Are Your Plans For, Do They Effect Your Condition You Have, Curious
I don't think that much about it, they seem a bit more fast paced than other norm days than the holidays in my opinion, but I don't think that they have much effects on the condition I have, depends sometimes, but not for the most part, my opinion, what are your thoughts about this ❓
Thanksgiving and Christmas are two big family holidays , where my family and I meet up with my family , friends and relatives.
Christmas & Thanksgiving have always been big for my family but I'm in the middle of selling my house so I'm not quite sure if I'll even be in town. God only knows.
I won’t be leaving the house much, I seem to have a lot of seizure triggers, holiday crowds are not something I want to test out
The time of year I definitely don't look forward to
Thanksgiving and Christmas are both big holidays . Thanksgiving I have just with my daughter and grandkids. Christmas its with NY daughter and grandkids. And then I'll stop by my friends place she is like a sister she lives in the same complex with me which makes it easier.
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
A?, Having Our Conditions And Such Etc We Have, And It's Not Our Fault But Having It, And More Below
A ? For Everyone Here, Do You Think That Your Condition And The Symptoms Of With The Meds You Take, How Do Look At Them And Your Comments,