Does Anyone Get Double Vision Before A Seizure
I have had double vision all day. I don’t know if it’s the antibiotics I’m on or if it’s a upcoming seizure
No opinion here. Our aura's are so varied. I range from no warnings to sometimes days of warnings... Sometimes I do have changes in vision so it might be possible.
When I do, it is more like I am underwater trying to look through ripples, etc. but it might seem similar to double vision to someone else.
If I go into a seizure I always blank out and I never loose my vision. Even before hitting the floor.
No, but i did years ago before the doctor found out I had suno tumor (pretend tumor) I recovered from that disease.
I know that somehow Epilepsy and Migraine Headaches come together. I do not know how they are related. I think they may need a doctor who deals with them specifically. Ask your Neurologist as well.
Unfortunately, I will be no help because I do get an aura. I hope someone will have an answer for you.
I Am Epileptic Why Do I Suffer So Much Pain In My Head It's Like Electrical Shocks And My Eyes Are Failing I Get Alot Of Double Vision.
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