A? Do You Think That After You Were Diagnosed With The Condition You Have Helped You With What You Are With And Made A Dif Finding Out?
I myself do think it did, I have accepted the condition I have of epilepsy I y,it did take a while, but got there, It's not a cure for, but at first the not knowing was a scary situation, but I feel that took quite a load of what I have to handle and does make it easier for me and live with, my opinion, what are your thoughts? Curious
To me, I grew up with epilepsy as I was diagnosed when 5 years old. Everything is normal except the fact that I need to take pills and at times, have a test or two, like giving blood to be diagnosed, every so often. As my seizures were almost always under control, I have no problems. But trying to find a job is like pulling hen's teeth.
Shoot that is exactly what my GP told me too. He put me on two different kinds of anti anxiety drugs. They did nothing because it wasn't anxiety. It took 4 years before I had a Gran Mal before they decided it wasn't anxiety attacks but very small seizures leading up to the big one. I was in therapy and everything trying to figure out what was going on. I am still but now its for the trouble Epilepsy and the drugs have caused in my life. I am growing a lot through I have to admit.
Do you think that the anger and frustration is part of the Epilepsy or just in general? I have that too. Sometimes I can't explain why I am so angry over pretty little things.
I fought my diagnosis for several years, but in the end realized my epilepsy was not going anywhere so I better learn to except it and live with it. I wish I didn’t have epilepsy and more than anything I wish that nobody had to live with it. I have also realized that having a tonic-clonic seizure every few years is just not that big a thing. Something I have learned from this site. I feel that I am dealing with my epilepsy now and like being able to reach out to others when I need the help.
It help me in that after a life of being called a liar and a faker, I have proof , I have not faked these. Others may never
Believe if, but I know there was no reason to give into and belive what others have said about about me.
I believe knowing what it was really helped my family more than me. It was very hard for them to see me passing out.
For me the Deja-vu was occuring so often during the day that was nice to understand why.
I have had seizures for so long and even after my surgery they have continued…. It’s hard to remember life before them.
After You Have Been Diagnosed With Your Condition You Have, Are You Ok With That In Your Life Now That You Are Aware Of That Condition?
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, And Following The Treatment Given, Have You Did Something Say Modified To It And It Made It Seem Better?
Do You Think That Our Conditions Have Changed Our Personalities Since We Got Them? And Do You Think If Was Lets Say Made You Would Any Dif?