Do You Think That Our Conditions Have Changed Our Personalities Since We Got Them? And Do You Think If Was Lets Say Made You Would Any Dif?
I think that i would say a little dif, kinda like now and after effect in and what I went through during the process of the condition I have, I do notice a few things with the? Here as I have noticed, I accepted the condition I have and have learned from it and the medical field etc and people like you that gives out our thoughts and support and such etc, I'm still learning about this condition I have and and not ashamed of me having it, I think it's dif per person, and my condition is more… read more
Yes, living with epilepsy can change someone's personality and outlook on life. The member brings up excellent points about going through the diagnosis process, dealing with symptoms, and learning to accept having epilepsy. It can be an emotional journey that shapes who we are. As another member shared, "I'm not hiding my Show Full Answer
Just taking certain AED meds can change our personality, from their side effects.
I can see the possibility of Epilepsy changing someone’s personality too . But I can’t explain this through my experiences. My personality wasn’t fully developed when I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Nor have I’ve been told of personally changes after having a seizure.
How could any of us not have changed in one way or another. We have a disease that is in out brains. The seizures, the meds, for me complications in surgery. I’m 57 and I haven’t worked, driven a car, and my social life disappeared. With my 1st seizure in 2008. And I also suffer from depression and anxiety, which started when I was 8. In and out of therapy my whole life. I Really miss almost my whole life before Epilepsy.
I’m a hermit. The worst part for me, my memory deficits. The frustration of trying to find a word, being asked “do you remember such and such.” And I don’t. Having an idea, or wanting to add to a conversation, and it’s like, you have it, and it just disappears.
How could 1 or all of this not affect who you were? I Miss Me. I miss freedom, independence, friends, my being a singer songwriter guitarist, Hell I cannot remember my own songs!
I could go on about all of this, but I should probably do that with my therapist. Thank you for letting me vent.
Of course, since I have my seizures controlled, I have other things I'm trying to control. My attitude has done a complete 180. I used to get mad about everything. Now I stay calm and positive about it.
It’s changed my personality. 😞
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, And Following The Treatment Given, Have You Did Something Say Modified To It And It Made It Seem Better?
Do You Think Our Conditions We Have Effects Our Personalities Or Is The Meds Too Or Both?
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,