Did Anybody Else Get Their Seizures Due To One Of The Oddest Reasons?
One of the reasons I have seizures is by inhaling poop (Meconium Aspiration Syndrome) at birth. I couldn’t breathe which killed my brain cells and later started having seizures.
Whatever your reason is for your seizures starting (weird or not)... be thankful you have a reason. There's a bunch of people who have seizures, who don't know why they started... and will never know why. That can be frustrating too! Either way... we can't let these frustrations get to us. They aren't worth the time and effort of our day. Just more stress in the end... and added stress usually isn't a good mix with seizures. Try to stay positive.
Take care.
ok, idk if there is a weird or what... but it is a true story. i was spacing out from kindergarden and 1st grade and drs thought it was add/adhd. but in 2nd grade... (right before the add/adhd test)... i had my 1st tc. it was iedopathic partials into tc seizures (idk seizures) for years. 1 day thay wanna have this really costly test. mom said no and did a 'pizza eeg' (1 hour basic eeg and i ordered a pizza). i now have food seizures (auto immune seizures). what is really weird is thay trace it back to when i was 4. and i have celiac disease (attack the weakest link if i have gluten) sence birth. drs deny that around 4 i got vax (kindergarden boosters) and that cause the celaics to distroy my brain, witch makes me have seizures. on to of all that, i have rasmussinse enphelisis (i hope that is spelled cerrectly). a really rare seizure disease where it attacks your brain... causing sizures... and sometime causing permanent damage. and the cherry on top. i'm med resistent and surgery kinda worked. i had to get alternitive meds (at that time was hippie/voodoo like the keto diet and vitimins). that is in the 90's when (excuse my frence ) shit went down. my seizures were 'the devils work'. so yeah, the fact that i was tease for something that (i think) drs did.
sorry about the rant, but is this weird, rare, or a little bit of both?
Even after the 98% removal of 3 Neuroepithelial cysts from the right side of my brain I still take them. The good part is, that I now take only Absence seizures and not Tonic-clonic, They say that not just the remaining cysts that causes my seizures but it is because of a small cyst inside my left side of my brain and they do not want to stick in a probe, through my nose, to get rid of it.
My Epilepsy diagnosis is theoretical , because, I was getting thrown around my mother’s rib cage, because of her having the flu when pregnant.
The other theory was from me being Breached in my moms Womb
Yes, some MyEpilepsyTeam members have developed seizures due to unusual reasons at birth. Meconium aspiration syndrome, which you experienced, can cause brain damage leading to seizures later on. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you faced so early in life. Other members have also shared developing seizures after Show Full Answer
Has Anyone Had Suicidal Thoughts Or Tendencies Because Of Seizures Or Even Medication??
I Have A Question For You All?
Having Our Conditions We Have , Have You Noticed A Amount Of Time You Had A Gap Between You Not Having A Seizure And Tried To Figure Out Why