Is Being A Breach Baby A Cause Of Epilepsy. They Used Steel Forceps In 1955. I Have A Bald Spot On My Head. It Drained Till I Was 14.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , other than knowing about being breached , and my mom having the Flu, I have not idea if the Umbilical Cord was twist around me or not. It is very possible.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I heard that when you’re a breach baby your head could compress the umbilical cord to where you don’t get any blood or oxygen. That’s one of the reasons I have seizures but the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and compressed.
I was a breached baby also. Along with my mom having the flu during her pregnancy. The Dr. isn’t sure if I was diagnosed with Epilepsy from my mom’s Flu and being thrown around her rib cage. Or , it may of been from me being breached. Then there’s the possibility of my diagnosis being because of both.
Yes, being born breach with forceps delivery can potentially cause brain injury that leads to epilepsy. The research shows that brain trauma during birth, especially lack of oxygen, can cause abnormalities that trigger seizures later in life. The use of forceps in a difficult breach birth in 1955 likely caused some trauma Show Full Answer
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