Anyone Else Have Covid Appt How Long Does It Take To Run Its Course??im Going Into My 2nd Week
I agree with the epilepsy team post and I have had it in the beginning when it came out, but have gotten my covid shots and are up to date, hang in there and try and stay pos, my opinion
The typical course of COVID-19 can vary greatly between individuals. For most people, symptoms tend to last around 1-2 weeks. However, some people, especially those who are older or have underlying medical conditions, may experience a more prolonged illness lasting 3-6 weeks or more.
This AI-generated response comes from MyEpilepsyTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
did you know that the flu and covid are the same... Both are respiratory illnesses that spread from person to person. both the cold, flu, and covid have the following... fever, caugh, can't breath, respiratory proplems, head/body aches, runny nose, sore through, and diarrhea. the only thing that is the differents is time... cold is 1-3 days, flu is 1-5, and covid is 1-14.
when i had covid... 1st time it was a bump on a log and nose for a day... then the nose that lated a month. 2nd covid was a cought that lasted over a week. i think i have covid cause i was sick for less than a day, and then i still have this dry cough for about 2 weeks and counting.
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