I’ve Been Taking My Meds For Years And I’ve Been Seizure Free. Suddenly, I’ve Had Two Seizures In A Span Of A Few Days. What Gives?
We build up immunity to the medicine many times just increasing is what needs done. The same happens with the VNS implant.
Who knows what changes things to cause more. Tell Dr for best control of any diff in your seizure pattern for best ease of mind and advice bout how to avoid too.
Sounds like your medication(s) have lost their potential. You may want to talk to your Dr. He/she can start finding a new medication that can hopefully work and start recontrolling your seizures.
Have you been under a lot of stress lately? I’ve found in my 38 years of dealing with epilepsy. That stress plays a major role in epileptic activity. After I learned to let many stressful situations roll off my back. The frequency of epileptic activity decreased dramatically
I've had seizures all my life but just learned to live with it but they seem to act up worse in the summer because of when it's to hot there worse because this summer I broke my tail bone right in August but I'm getting better now!
Has Anyone Else Been Told During Absence Seizure You've Been Talking To Yourself?
How Often Do You Get Accused Of Faking A Seizure?
How Do I Mentally Prepare To Stop Taking Medications That I've Been On For More Than 20 Years And Have Been Very Useful To Combat Epilepsy?