How Do I Mentally Prepare To Stop Taking Medications That I've Been On For More Than 20 Years And Have Been Very Useful To Combat Epilepsy?
I have had no episodes while taking Vimpat as prescribed. When missing multiple doses has led directly to seizures.
Going off a medication can start as your idea but your doctor has to take the first step.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , Always listen to your doctor about how to reduce your medicine. No matter how long you go without a seizure, always let any kind of doctor you see about your seizures whether it’s been a while or not since you’ve had one & if you’re on any medicine let them know. I had gone 8 to 10 years without a seizure & years ago & my Pediatric Neurologist thought maybe I had grown out of my seizures & so he slowly reduced me off my medicine. Eventually I saw a Urologist for an overactive bladder & he put me on a pill called Elavil & while on that pill I had my first seizure in 8 to 10 years. It turned out that the Elavil had a side effect of seizures & my Mom & I were so sure we had told that doctor about my seizures. I’ve been back on meds ever since. A few years later I went 2 years without another seizure but after that I’ve had a few every year. But easiest way is to listen to your doctor on how to reduce your medicine & if you have any problems let them know. Your friend in Texas, Becky
Stopping epilepsy medication can be very challenging after taking it for so long. However, always consult your doctor before making any changes, as suddenly stopping medication can trigger breakthrough seizures. If your doctor does advise stopping, it would likely involve gradually tapering off over weeks or months. During Show Full Answer
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member and @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member have come up with great suggestions. To mentally prepare to stop taking meds, you have to keep a diary on your meds and how it is making you feel because when you change medications, it will take time for your body to adjust to the change in medications and the change in dosage which always be adjusted. Therefore, you may have seizures during this change. I have been taking seizure meds for 62 years and two things will change in doing so. Your body and medications. The reason for keeping a log is to track how medications are making you feel before taking them and after taking them. I asked to be removed from Vimpat because of cost, and side effects and refill authorizations from my neurologist were never on time.
Listen to what others in this situation and the Dr. too. I was seizure free for 9 years after my last surgery. I wasn't ever stoped from taking my meds. Was reduced, but not taken of all I took. You need to be careful and not stop on your own, never hesitate to question your Dr. as far as this is concerned.
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