Has Anyone Have Experience With Getting Workplace Accomodations To Work From Home To Manage Their Seizures And Epilepsy?
Thank you for your response and encouragement!
I Am Epileptic Why Do I Suffer So Much Pain In My Head It's Like Electrical Shocks And My Eyes Are Failing I Get Alot Of Double Vision.
I just started having that. My left eye started to get dark for a few minutes a couple of days ago, so I have decided that my driving license should be “hung up” for the foreseeable future until… read more
Are You Willing To Do Whatever Is Necessary To Help New Members Feel Comfortable And Quickly Have A Team Of Many?
I ask this because the site owners and techs are not able to provide an additional search option to search for New Members. And there have been too many New Members over the years who have come once or a few times and gotten frustrated and left because they do not get the true benefit of being embraced by a large enough team to not only make them feel welcome but also be able to provide answers and often personal experience regarding any related to seizures (types, symptoms, auras, side… read more
Yes, I will help new members feel comfortable and quickly have a team of many. Please give me 1 to 2 days since I am not on this website daily and have other responsibilities.
Has anyone had VNS surgery and how long does it take to slow down your seizures or even stop them. I am planning to get that surgery but afraid if it doesn't help it will still be on the biggest nerve of my body. I workout, jog and have jobs I have to pick up heavy things. Can anyone please help. Spring is coming in the Northeast ☀️ Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your response!
Happy Holidays
Has anyone have any serious issues with VNS surgery. I already had a previous RNS type of surgery but this time they offered VNS and worried. I actual started working a second full time job to keep a reason to delay. What do you think?
Happy holidays to everyone and your loved ones!
That is something I'm not familiar with. I wish you the best regardless of what you decide.
Why Is There AI On This Site?
We do not claim to be giving Medical Advice unless perhaps telling people to speak to their Doctors/Neurologists or Epileptologists. We are not Doctors.
Covid Shots
Hey Guys,
I haven't been on for a while and I'm sure it's already been asked but....
How many of you have had the Covid-19 shots (and which one and why).
Also, my doctor wants me to get Pfizer along with my partner,
but by the time he gets it his work would have started and he won't because he hasn't had the shot.
Again, we can have the Astra in a few days and everything would be alright.
I'm very confused,
I am alright I had the Oxford Astra zenica an I am perfectly alright they are saying for the booster we might get the one the doctors are asking you to have they have studied having them mixed first… read more
Good Sunday To Everyone. Does Anyone Work With A Lot Of People In Different Types A Work?
I have two full-time jobs and I am always around a lot of people. I work in the Boston Garden on weekends and planning to star in a movie documentary. I had a small seizure in front of a lot people, I was walking around in different directions and even jump over a table. I never wanted to talk about it but, this website and group got me ask about it. I am little scared to go back in front a lot of people to focus in on a movie, do you think people will look at me weird when I go back?
Thank you for the hug.
My Neurologist Told Me My Epilepsy Wasn't Progressive When I Asked. It Sounds Like Most Of You Have Some Form Of Progressive Epilepsy.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member This is probably the best way to look at it. Everyone always panics and freaks out about it but the reality is age in genral regardless of wether you have epilepsy or not is… read more
Has Any One Ever Made You Feel Like You Need Them?. That Cause We Have Epilepsy We Can't Be Independent.
Sometimes I have to raise my voice and let them know, I got this , I'ma go M.I.A after holidays cuss people think I need them !, Show em better than I can tell em .
I depend on myself all the time. But I always need my family I count on them to help me out when I need it the most.