What Do You Think About Daylight Savings Time And Should They Keep It Or Get Rid Of It, I Am Neutral About This ❓ But More Below,
I am ok with the day light savings time and I don't see much if any effect of the condition I have with it, I do adjust to the time change and such, but have not noticed a little bit maybe, with the time and my meds, I am not sure if it does,to be honest with, what are your thoughts? Curious, I am ok with it either way, my opinion,
I say leave it alone.
I don't see an advantage to it so leave the clock alone. 😛
All I have to say is, Pick one
Daylight Saving works well for most young kids . If fool the brain on what time it is . Outside. Day light is shorter and makes it easier to get the child to bed , when they have school the next day.
I say leave it alone!
Do You Think That They Should Do Away With Daylight Savings Time, And If So How Would It Effect You If They Did?
With The Daylight Savings Time Coming Up, What Are Your Thoughts On It And Does It Effect Your Condition And The Meds You Are Taking?
As For Fluids And Staying Hydrated, As For Coffee And Pop, Water, Or Say Natural Juices And Such Etc, More Below On The