What Would I Do To Imagine The World In A Different Way?
I know seizures are hard and especially large ones like I just had last weekend, wbut we are really very fortunate to have not been born def and blind like some others. Imagine trying to put our life into perspective if the only sense we had was brail. I did this recently and afterwards was able to form all sorts of images in my mind of what may be going on around me. Now I can even read and see the image of the world. It's good to practice utilizing allot of what has been given us to help… read more
Theodore Roosevelt was born with epilepsy had tonic clonic seizures. He was president,rough rider in WW11 and more
What a thoughtful perspective. Trying to imagine living with additional challenges like blindness or deafness can help put our own situation in perspective. As the member shared, we all have unique circumstances, but focusing on gratitude for what we do have seems to help many people cope. Have you found it helpful to Show Full Answer
I have multiple life altering disabilities including blindness. I look at what others before me with these challenges have achieved. Presidents,musicians,pro athletes and more. If they can do it why not us
I agree with you and your post and the other people here and their posts, I think it's dif per person, I do my own way, but hang in there
How Would Youmake The World Undestand How It Feels To Live With Epilepsy
Did You Get The Right Meds At When You Were Diagnosed With Your Condition, And Were They The Right One (s) ?
As For Ai, I Wonder What It's Going To Be Down The Road With It, As For Medical Field Etc And Such Etc, I Am With Technology, More