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Finding A New Neurologist

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Davenport, IA

I just saw a new neurologist last week and I don't like him because he has a accent which makes it hard to understand and i don’t like his attitude.

I filled out some paperwork which I gave my medical history of my epilepsy. He sent me a copy of the notes he put in my record and made some critical errors.

He also said there was no record of a past EEG when I know I've had one many years ago. Now he said he won't keep me on unless I get an EEG. I told him my work would be changing medical… read more

November 3, 2024 (edited)
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , When I began seeing my current Neurologist in November 2019 she said on the first visit that she wanted to do an EEG & my Mom told her that I had just had one done, But it was an at home EEG that I had recently done & the new Neurologist was asking me to do an in hospital 3 to 5 day video EEG & that way she could see what was currently going on if anything & so I did the in hospital EEG. Since my seizures aren’t as frequent or severe as some peoples, I didn’t have any seizures but the Neurologist said that while I slept the EEG showed mostly Focal seizure activity but some Generalized seizure activity. Being that it’s been a while since your last EEG, that wouldn’t help your doctor much right now except to tell him what past activity it showed. A current EEG would show your new doctor what might be going on or what type of seizure activity it might show, however you want to put it & that might help give him more information to be able to help you. I’m 46 & saw my Pediatric Neurologist for almost 30 years & he was great. I think he was from India & he had an accent but we could understand him & we sure do miss him. I would bet my current Neurologist might be from India as well or have some kind of history of it cause she has an accent as well & is hard to understand sometimes & on my recent visit I had to ask her to repeat what she said. But if you’re not happy with your doctor you could always look up different doctors in your area & then go to & type in their name & look for reviews on those doctors & you could even try looking up reviews of your current doctor to see if you can find if anyone else has posted any reviews about him. It’s always good to be happy with the doctor you have. Maybe you could try to find where you had your last EEG done & have that info sent to your current doctor but a current updated EEG would help with how to help you now. Good luck. Your friend in Texas, Becky

November 3, 2024 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Most important to have a neurologist that you connect with or feel comfortable with. Remember it's ok for you to interview him. He's working for you. Find one you can trust and respect. I always ask them why they chose neurology. If they say because their dad did it, then I have to get nosey. I want someone whose there and doing what they are because it's their calling or at least because they really care. My doctor was intrigued by electricity when he was younger as a little guy. His mother couldn't take an eye off him. It was suggested to him to "study the brain it has alot of electricity and it's safe." So he decided at a rather young age to become a "brain electrition" and when he told that story you could see his eyes light up and he even took a moment to reflect on that frustrated statement of his mother's and smiled. He following his calling.

November 17, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I was the Patient of Dr. Louise Resor for 35-40 years. I had gone through my Temporal Lobectomy then. Her Husband is an Epileptologist. When visiting the office to meet a new Doctor, I had a horrible seizure in the Lobby after meeting him. Nobody came to check on me. Fortunately, the woman with me knew what happened. Other Doctors from Yale Neurology who were familiar with me are now my Neurologist and Epileptologist. If you are near a Hospital, ask them for a possible referral.

November 3, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Dave797 I had the same problem at Kaiser Permanente. My neurologist had me having cerebral palsy and I had gone through trouble getting my entire medical record !! Needless to say during my next visit with my general practitioner who is great ! She got the ball rolling on a new neurologist no time. God luck to you in the future with issue ericthom3

November 3, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I understand this must be very frustrating. No one should feel dismissed or disrespected by their doctor. Since communication and trust are so important in the doctor-patient relationship, finding a new neurologist that you feel comfortable with is perfectly reasonable. Before switching doctors, consider sharing your Show Full Answer

I understand this must be very frustrating. No one should feel dismissed or disrespected by their doctor. Since communication and trust are so important in the doctor-patient relationship, finding a new neurologist that you feel comfortable with is perfectly reasonable. Before switching doctors, consider sharing your concerns directly with your current neurologist. Explain the issues you noticed in your medical records and how his attitude made you feel. If he responds poorly or you still don't feel the relationship can be repaired, then seeking a new specialist is the best option. When looking for a new neurologist, the LGS Foundation and Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance offer searchable directories. You can also ask your primary care doctor for a referral. Schedule consultations with a few doctors before deciding, so you can find someone you truly feel comfortable with.

November 3, 2024

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