Have Any Of The Food You Got During The Holidays Play With The Condition We Have Or Have Any Effect That You Have Noticed From Eating It?
I can't think of any of that happening in my life and condition I have of epilepsy with, I know that I have a few triggers that causes my seizures, but not from food of any kind, my opinion, what are your thoughts about this ❓
No problem with foods as triggers, only belly ache when I eat too much
I can't eat grapefruit never had
Grapefruit does matter unfortunately ☹️
The only thing that I was told not to have was grape fruit due to acid and some issue with the old med I was on but I'm not on that anymore so I'm not sure how much this matters.
I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving!
Do You Think That Our Conditions Have Changed Our Personalities Since We Got Them? And Do You Think If Was Lets Say Made You Would Any Dif?
Do You Look Forward To The Coming Holidays And What Are Your Plans For, Do They Effect Your Condition You Have, Curious
? And Kind Of Analogy One, As For What We Can Do And Not Do With Our Conditions We Have, It's Like Our Meds We Take Or Are Given To Us?