Do You Notice A Dif In Your Sleep Schedule Nowadays Than Before In Your Earlier Days? Wondering?
I have noticed that with me and my condition I have, I used to be a a person that about 15 years ago stayed up past midnight and wee morning hrs 2 am but not now, I am going to bed around 8:30 pm, sometimes a little longer than that because of the insomnia I think I have a tiny bit of, but I am ok with my schedule I have going with,I get up around 3 or 4: 30am on ave and don't have a prob with that, what are your thoughts on this ❓
I stopped working when I was 57 and had worked 27 companies during those years, withing all the time zones to start. I have trained myself to go to sleep at anytime I lay down in bed to go to sleep.
It's common for sleep patterns to change as we get older or as health conditions progress. Many members of the MyEpilepsyTeam community have noticed changes in their sleep over time, often with more insomnia or earlier waking. The shift you describe from staying up late to going to bed around 8:30 pm and waking early sounds Show Full Answer
My pre-epilepsy days were so long ago I don't remember.
No difference in my sleep pattern because I have worked so many kinds of jobs with different schedules I can sleep whenever.
No difference in my sleep patterns.
How Do I Change My Sleep Schedule?
When Not Sleeping Yet For The Amnesia A Individual Has, And Your Sleep Is Over The 24 Hr Time And Are Awake, What Do You Do When You, More
Besides Our Conditions And Seizures And Such Etc, Do You Think You Are Less Active Doing Things Nowadays Than Before In Your Life?