As For Our Memories We Have, Have You Tried To Remember But Couldn't,then It Came To You Later Without Thinking About It? Out Of The Blue?
I have had that happen to me, someone may bring to me a person, place or event let's say and sometimes I know what they are saying and talking about, and other times they will mention it to me and I don't remember and a few days or a later date it'll come to me what they were talking about and hit me out of nowhere, it's kinda weird but happens now and then, I may be venting here, but do you know what I am trying to say about this and has it happened to you? Wondering
Yes, it does happen from time to time. This happens when I don't have the proper supplement for memory.
I have it everyday cause it's getting worse I try and do things in routine to help me remember.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
When I was in school I had to memorize a few speeches. I studied all night but was unable to say the speech so I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning I all of a sudden was able to say them. I guess my brain just needed to rest.
It happens all the time, I call it a brain fart
Happens all the time.
Cognitive Decline
? I'm Not Sure How To Put It, But It's A Neutral One And A Curious One Also, This Has To Do With Our Conditions We Have, More Below
? And Kind Of Analogy One, As For What We Can Do And Not Do With Our Conditions We Have, It's Like Our Meds We Take Or Are Given To Us?