I Post A Question On Tile’s Support Team The Other Day To Get Some Suggestions On What I Should Do. The Few That
responded to me were very helpful and told me to go on and get fitted for my wheelchair so I could get rid of the fear I keep having when I’m in a public place or what not. The simple fact is with my two conditions with epilepsy be one of them I stay in fear constantly. Not to mention what I feel on a daily basis with my vp shunt that I have with my hydrocephalus. This is miserable at times. 😩🥺
Mary, I am having multiple people tell me just to go on and get myself fitted for a wheelchair ♿️ now. Even my closest friends are saying get the wheelchair ♿️ so I’ll have it on hand even if it’s not needed it’ll be there for when it is needed.
They also have all types of walkers that can help you and they have ones with wheels and brakes
I understand the fear you feel about having seizures in public places. Getting fitted for a wheelchair could help give you more confidence to go out, while also providing support if you do have a seizure. Remember that you are not alone in dealing with these fears. As the MyEpilepsyTeam members shared, finding ways to Show Full Answer
Yolonda, It’s that the truth. It just happens to be getting worse with me theses last few months. But I think it’s a combination of things that’s causing mine right now. One of my symptoms right now I can’t seem to get a straight answer from my physician right now. So I’m about to give up on that one. But everything else is snowballing right behind that symptom. Including fatigue, weakness ect. Right now it’s happening on a daily basis with me so I definitely want to go on and get me set up to get my wheelchair ♿️ measurements to get it ordered so I’ll have it to use both in my home and in public. My body can’t take it much longer.
Saying epilepsy is a horrible disease is just not true. Lost 💔 hubby to cancer, bro to stroke, bro to diabetes, etc. But even after 52 years of all kinds of seizure I'm still fine + healthy. Focus on your other health issue please-all need to know bout that not just a few seizures from epilepsy. I can't believe you just omit this in your posts.
Are You Willing To Do Whatever Is Necessary To Help New Members Feel Comfortable And Quickly Have A Team Of Many?
Sometimes I Seriously Disagree With My Neurologist. Should I Comply Or Argue?
I Am Unable Work/drive And I Live In A Very Rural Area-transportation Is Limited,-any Advice On How To Keep Busy,as I Miss People,activity.