Do The Seasons Seem To Play A Little Bit With The Condition We Have Or Not?
I myself don't think so, I use to wonder about that, but I do self reflection and was thinking about this ❓ I am asking, and thought over the years if it did have anything that messed with my condition I have, I did think about it and couldn't find any that I am aware of doing that, I am with all the seasons and I am just curious about what you think about this ❓ here and your thoughts? Wondering
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
We have something else in common. My issue is from having arthritis since my early 30's.
You also have a good day and week, hopeful no seizures.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I have the same problem with my limbs + back that I fractured, due to taking phenytoin for over 50years that causes oestarthrititis, plus cold weather can cause bone pains, Take care 🙏.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Good Morning, I Have The Same Problem With My Feet &Ankles Ever Since I Fractured My Right Ankle 10/2017. Have A Good Seizure-Free Day & Week. 💜❤️💜
Yes . Any thing from weather changes and season to climate and environment changes can possibly trigger our seizures.
Heat Is Not Good For Me
Genetic Epilepsy And Medication
Do The Seasons We Have Effect The Condition We Have?
How Do Think Your Age Is A Factor In The Condition We Have, Does It Or Not?