As For Our Conditions And Treatments We Have, Would You Participate In A Med Study If Your Doc Asked You To Do It, Wondering?
I have had treatment and such and have done what my doc has brought up to my condition I have, but I haven't had been asked if I was interested in taking part in some kind of study they may have going, I would think I might give it some thought about that if it was to happen, but what are your thoughts?
Yes, I would try to straighten out what people think of epilepsy and get them to think clearly that we are normal human beings but just have this condition. It is our medication that slows us down but we still can work at a job.
Yes I would. I'm over the 65 mark. No kids to take care of, no job or any real responsibility. It would be the perfect time. I have lived with this for 58 years. My seizures have become refractory and status epileptus. I've already been told because I went so many years untreated that they may not be able to help me. And I'm prepared to handle that. But I would like it to count for something. I would love to see the horrible, debilitating condition eradicated. And my future posterity, would never have to be concerned that any of them will have it. I want it gone, out of the human culture and off this planet. Sheryl
Yes, but only if my current Neuro was conducting the study.
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, as for the guinea pig thing, I kinda thought that also, but what if you are the one they test and find something that helps improve our conditions we have and such etc, as for the vitamins and such, I have and think that is ok also, but I am going to say that my daily routine of prayer and bible study I believe in and do is my best medicine for me and anything else that I have in my life with, condition or no condition, I am a Catholic christian mix and I am not perfect and do sin, but that is my answer and stand firm serving Jesus Christ,
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
A? As For The Conditions We Have,which Of These Seems To Be The Most Important To You And Your Condition,, The Condition, Or The More Below
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, And Following The Treatment Given, Have You Did Something Say Modified To It And It Made It Seem Better?