As For Our Conditions And Such Etc, Do You Think The Seizures You Have Are The Same Or Similar To The Ones You Have Had In The Past? More
I'm wondering about this, I have had my condition since 7 and and I think I have had around 4000 est since then, but I am asking myself if any of my seizures I have had have been the same, I say and think no on this ❓ I had a few that felt like that, but I think it's dif in its own way, somehow, it's almost like the same but isn't my opinion, I don't think that a seizure that comes to me is the same as the one before that, that is my opinion on this and how I see it, but what are your thoughts… read more
I'm sure going through the menopause causes seizures to change or get worse.
It's understandable to wonder if your seizures feel the same each time. The reality is that no two seizures are exactly alike for an individual. There can be similarities in symptoms or sensations, but factors like where the abnormal electrical activity starts in the brain and how far it spreads can vary. Even in severe Show Full Answer
I had my 6 th battery changed one time a month but it worked! I wish you the best!
I'm sure that my seizures have got worse due to battery in my VNS, I'm having changed next week.
That has happened to me and my medications had to change. They do EEG and MRI to check and medication is upped or another is added!
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
Would You Say Your Condition Is Controlled For The Most Part, And Do You Have One Of Your Seizures Or Such Etc Come To You Out Of The Blue?
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, Is There Something You Have Tried Out And Then Found Out You Shouldn't Have But Afterwards , More Below