I Did Some Research Yesterday On My IPad Trying To Narrow Down What Might Be Working On Me With All My Symptoms I’m Having. It’s All
coming down to one condition. And only one. Even though I’m not a doctor all my symptoms are matching up to multiple sclerosis. With me having weakness in my legs and well as pain in both of my leg, plus feeling fatigued everyday as well as pain in the hip as well as both of my feet. After reading up on this yesterday it’s scarring the hell out of me. Seizures are mentioned as well. I can’t remember who it was but they told me they were wheelchair-bound due to MS that was on the side as well and… read more
Make a very complete list of all your symptoms (so you don't forget anything) and make an appointment with your neurologist. As others have said, it takes more testing to determine what is causing those symptoms.
I have worked in research programs. You need to be thoroughly worked up. Many things can cause your symptomology. I pray your Epileptologist can direct you to a group that can do a full work up.
Quinn As said you're not a Dr- filling head with info can drive us all crazy. Please don't think anything applies to you bout MS just cause read similar. You know the original hydrocephalus was cause of seizures now applies to weakness in legs certainly not MS. Your Dr for the HC is best source of advice no GP would know your lifelong case as well. Think you've done fantastic living with & treatments for the HC keep up good relatio with Dr to help any future probs as well. Clear mind of any fears best via same way
if neurologist refuses to assist, go to your primary medical doctor, explain what is going on and ask for a referral. They are the doctor that can at least point you in the right direction.
As a personal note, my uncle passed away far too soon from MS. It was difficult to watch someone who could walk so easily suddenly become disabled and confined to a wheelchair due to this disease. I could only love him and do what he needed when he and my aunt needed it. My heart broke when we lost him to this horrible disease, but he will always be remembered for the good times the family shared.
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