First Of All I'm A Private Person Who Won't Share Much Other Than I Have Epilepsy, It Ruined My Life And It's A Daily Struggle..
my ? is does any one else feel drunk and paranoid from time to time from the combo for two anti seizure meds..??
Medications can cause dizziness and uncontrollable eye movements
All the meds I have been on so far have dizzyness as a side effect. It can truly be a pain.
TomHawkins , you might want to research the side effects of the med or meds you are on. I don’t know if this paranoia has always been part of you personality or if it came when you were diagnosed with Epilepsy and taking meds . But there are meds that do have the side effect of changing our emotions and behaviors ( making us feel paranoid , angry easy and other things ) .
I’ve never truly experienced Drunkness , but I do know the feeling of being overdosed . When I was old enough to drink alcohol, I always limited how much I drank , reducing my seizure triggers.
I understand this is a daily struggle. Some people do report feeling drunk or paranoid when taking certain seizure medications, especially in combination. This can result from side effects of the medications themselves or interactions between them. It's important to discuss any side effects you experience with your doctor Show Full Answer
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