Did Everyone See This Posting About When And Why Seizures Were Renamed?
No but now I keep hearing I am having tonic-clonic seizures. I guess they have learned some much about episodes they needed new definitions for all different versions
Is It Just Me Or Do Others Feel Their Spirits Asking Them Questions When You Are Coming Out Of Seizures?
I've been having seizures since Tuesday. I feel like I've got 3 of my past life are asking me how things were created in this world and how words were created for each thing.
Yea that's a tough one explaining to people. My first "out of body experience" was when I was 9. My mom would ask the doctors because I was so little explaining it sounded crazy. After mild seizures I… read more
Achievements Software
As I get older and the worse my memory gets as a result of my epilepsy and medication I have realized I am forgetting the things I have achieved. Because of this I have bought an Achievements Journal from Amazon which can help me record things. So when I am depressed I can read it and it picks me up. My question is does anyone know of any software or apps that does something similar?
Memory problems are an unfortunate norm for epilepsy/seizure disorders because our brains are literally having short circuits with each seizure. However, memory recall is further complicated because… read more
(Not including those who have had families) is there anything in your lives you are proud of or have achieved? So when you have a bad day with your epilepsy you can think of that achievement and it lifts your spirit?
One thing I can truly say that I am proud of having is my Bachelor’s degree 📜. I received it from the University of Massachusetts that is in Amherst Massachusetts. I was teased so much by the people… read more
What Are Some Side Affects From Keppra?
Anyone heard of Keppra rage?
Can't Handle More Than One Thing At A Time?
I know everyone else has this same issue. But yesterday at work, I was trying to handle 2 different things at one time, Basically filling in for our manager. He usually handles unexpected things like the one I was trying to do. He was coaching me over the phone. He has been filling in for another branch that has lost their manager. So he was not here. He was telling me to hunt this, hunt that. I couldn't find things and I could tell it was frustrating him, then in turn started to frustrate… read more
Linda if those people wanna deny this crucial information. That's important too your health, then say f*** you to them. And those aren't the kind of people you need as friends.
After A Small, Mild Or Even Big Seizure Does Anyone Else Feel Depressed?
After reading comments on a thread I was seeing that a lot of people experience some depression after seizures. Depression is something I've delt with most of my life. Things will be going good, seizures won't be bad, relationships are doing great, but then I have a mild seizure that puts me down for days or even a few weeks straight. I call the after effects of a seizure a 'hang over' seizure feeling. My body is sore, my head hurts so much, it can be hard to do normal daily tasks, but something… read more
I just feel a little annoyed and fed up with my condition
Weight Gain And More Gain And More....
Hello everyone! I know there are many posts like this one, but I still wanted to post my experience and see if anyone has advice or stories to share. My weight has fluctuated here and there, in the last few years. But I have gained over 20 pounds in the past 6 months- most of it in the last 3-4. Only thing I know has changed during these months, is that my Lamictal dose has been steadily increased every few weeks. I am now on 225 mg twice a day. I've been on Topamax and I never saw weight loss… read more
Does Struggle With Sleep, From Insomnia Or You Just Can't Stop Your Head Running A Thousand Miles An Hour , Full Of Thoughts ?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member... Great to hear!
Who Have You Told (besides Family Members) That You Have Epilepsy Or Seizure Disorder? How Did They React?
When I tell someone new that I have epilepsy and very unreliable memory recall (as a result of the cumulative side effects of all of the anticonvulsants and some other meds), I try to educate them about not only the range of seizures that I have but also how to react and what to do (and not to do) when witnessing someone having a seizure.
A lot of times when I do tell someone I will get either “you don’t look like you do” or “do you have it all the time?”