Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Do any of you have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and if you do do you have auditory(hearing voices) hallucinations or visual hallucinations? I had a psychological breakdown two years ago and ever since than I've heard voices and sometimes visual hallucinations. I need to find out if this supernatural phenomenon or experience or something else is going with my brain. I've done a lot of research and it scares me to death. I need to know what I'm dealing with.
If speaking to me it’s negative
Does Anyone Experience Nightmares,hallucinations And Panic Attacks? I've Been Told By My Epilepsy Nurse It Is Actually A Seizure In My Sleep
I feel like I'm going crazy!!
all the time I have been told that I also have pseudoseizures mixed in with my regular seizures so then I have even more panic attacks nightmares and night terrors from PTSD and see shadow people
Does Anyone Else Have Hallucinations Right Before Having A Seizure?
I don't have them but I do know they are auras. There are many different types of auras for different types of seizures there are. You may be having auras and not even know it. A way to find out what… read more
Can Anybody Tell Me About The Epilepsy And Hallucinations?
I had my checkup with one of my doctors.I was telling him that I see these people my mom,my dad.and 2 friends( all deceased) for a few seconds.The doctor said to talk to my neurologist that he thinks that my seizures are causing me to have hallucinations.Can anybody give me some input?
Mine are horrifying. Every night.
Dose Anybody Elese Black Out When They Have A Seriuze
Yes! I've definitely blacked out with loss of time, place, and what was being done in differing seizures. Have some with headaches. Also, have had seizures without blacking out in losing control of… read more
Dissociative / Psychogenic
Is this epilepsy or a type of seizure caused by trauma?
It may or may not be an epileptic seizure that caused a seizure. There are many things that may cause seizures. It is possible that a seizure may be caused by emotional, psychological, side effect, or… read more
How's Come When We Have Seizures We Can See Things But When We Come Out Of The Seizures We Can Tell Anyone Exactly What It Is Or Who It Is
Sounds like you have Focal Onset Aware seizures. You are conscious during your seizures.
Unlike myself I have Focal Onset impairment awareness seizures
( unconscious during seizures )
Can Having A Sweet Taste Or Having One Pupil Larger Than The Other Be A Sign Of Having A Seizure
yes take care, I get smells tastes memories I cant tell whats what they fuse x
I’m Not Able To Go To My Nieces Wedding Which Is About 3 Miles Away Cause I’m Taking Care Of My Mom That Week. It’s Sad.
She has hallucinations I’m to go there 2 weeks out of the month. Caregivers are expensive.
I’m sure I’ll get to
Does Anyone Else Experience Paranoia?
I know I already asked about hallucinations and there was a few answers. I've talked to my neurologist, he doesn't think the hallucinations are caused by the med I'm on but he's changing the med anyway because it isn't fully controlling the seizures possibly (?) (I maybe having them in my sleep, we don't know for sure) but better safe than sorry. But, even before the med change I was experiencing paranoia, not like I was paranoid I was going to have a seizure, but like legit paranoia at night… read more
Ok, so update and has been confirmed by tests I have narcolepsy in addition to my epilepsy. The narcolepsy was/causes my hallucination. I was misdiagnosed with psychotic depression which was dangerous… read more