Women Going Through Menopause, How Does It Affect Your Seizures?
I am a 47 year old with grand mal seizures. I have them around the time of my monthlies usually right before or after. I am wondering how menopause is going to affect my seizures or any at all. Would like to have some input on the issue as at the moment I don't have a neurologist to assist me.
I am in menapause, I have had an increase in my seizures. However, with the correct dosage increase I have been able to control mine. Don't worry, but if I were you I would be followedby a good doc!
Hi Dena,
I don't really know much about menopause because I am only 24 but I do know hormones can affect your seizures. In high school I was diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy because I would have large amount of seizures before and during my period. This type of epilepsy has to do with hormonal flunctuations.
Thank you
Sorry to hear this, awesome that you are pushing through it!
I have no problems resting. I have a heart condition that wears me out and I sleep quiet a bit. I have started walking just recently. I used to be very active and then stopped for no reason. Now I am trying to get back in shape for my heart health.
I babysit my 13 mth old grandson and he keeps me on my feet during the day. Then at night my husband and I go walking.
Does A Full Moon Effect You Enough Getting Seizures?
I Have A Question For Women …. Does Going Thru Menopause Make Your Seizures Feel Worse?
For All The Ladies