Is An Deja Vu An Aura??
I've had four of them today
I have complex partal seizures auras 5/9 per day. I have deja vu when I have an aura.
Deja vu is a matter of neuro receptors that are opened and combined with genetic memory, the problem with epilepsy is that it can trigger a seizure depending on how one is wired. I have had epilepsy for 52 years and usually do not have a problem with the 2. It depends on the person and how the sezuries are triggered. I do feel for you, there is no worse feeling than anticipating a possible seizure.
I have them to ive had 2 today I hate the feeling
It is when one will come on in about 24 to 48 hours after the fact. It is like a warning sign that it will happen.
Deja Vu
Can Someone Explain To Me What An Aura Is When It Comes To Epilepsy, Please 😊
Are The Deja Vu Sensations A Seizure?