What Sort Of Dizziness Do You Have From Med Side Effects And How Does It Effect You
Summer used to get dizzy after her medicine in the morning and very sleepy, they had to reduce the dose back down as she was also like she was drunk, her eyes used to roll everywhere to, this was back in may, they reduced her medicine and she was fine, they have out it back up now as she's put on more weight and seems to be fine now, so I guess it was from the dosage too strong for her at the time
Thanks Terri, the problem for me is that during the whole day I cannot walk straight or see properly. I look like I'm drunk!! Lol. I have double vision and little balance. I asked my husband to look at my eyes when I have double vision to see if my eyes look okay, he said my right eye goes out to the right instead of straight forward and it's always my right eye? Im trying to see if anyone has the same.
I don't feel dizzy or get dizzy after my medication
No sight problems, it seems like my reaction time is slowed some though.
Ouch, sorry about those stitches. I've never cut myself but I've broken both wrists and both feet. Have you had sight problems?
First Of All I'm A Private Person Who Won't Share Much Other Than I Have Epilepsy, It Ruined My Life And It's A Daily Struggle..
This Is A 2 Part ? Hypothetically Below Or Whatever
Does Anyone Know What Can Make The Dizziness Side Effect Worse? And How You Manage It?