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Does Anyone Know What Can Make The Dizziness Side Effect Worse? And How You Manage It?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brisbane, AU

Hey everyone,

I've been on Keppra for around three months now and noticed that even though everyone says their major issues are normally the rage, anxiety mood related. I've noticed that mine are more related to dizziness, high heart rate, sudden arm and handshaking and unsteadiness. I'm also on Topamax as well which also has the dizzyness side effect so I'm wondering whether this has something to do with this.
Anyway, I'm just wondering how do you manage it?

September 12, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Sometimes my doctor, which I am trying to locate a new one, just laughs it off! But my dizziness occurs about once a week. My steadiness in walking is a constant issue. If you are having them very frequently, would keep a log of them and carry to your neuro. Hope this is helpful

September 15, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member It sounds like what you have is very similar to me in terms of these triggers. A few of the lead-up things that did happen with me that I never really looked at the time were that I would get really anxious when I was working in my old job really easily and I could never really understand why. As a example I may be dealing with a customer and they would make some random comment about something they didn’t like and I would just start getting all shaky then I would have to wait for it to pass before continuing. The shaking I get now is very similar to that. Also when I was working I would have to do the same thing as what your talking about. I would feel the dizziness feeling then it would just get worse and worse until eventually, it got to a point where you have to stop. It’s basically the same feeling as if you're going to faint. That’s the feeling I used to get before I would stop. I would stop for about 30 seconds at most then keep going.

September 16, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I am on Keppra for many years. Both my left and right hands shake in the morning dose. Left more, because it's not my dominant hand. I have to hold the coffee cup with both hands in the a.m.

September 16, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Actually, I was dealing dizziness that went beyond simply a side effect to actually, triggering falls. Initially, my neurologist thought it was a side effect of one of my anticonvulsants, but I determined (after I had learned more about reducing anxiety by pausing and taking a deep calming breath before reacting) that the trigger of my dizziness popping up at random times and at different levels was the connection to negative emotions, rather than the side effect of any medication. Once I figured this out, I could stop the dizziness brought on from strong negative emotions, by using that pause and calm myself. This came about because my anxiety disorder was out of control last year and my depression has been the worst it has ever been (since July when we were sure my dad was going to die in July. The high depression and high anxiety (brought on by many factors) resulted in some abnormal memory loss and extra hampered memory recall on certain sections of my Memory test (rather than the result of Epilepsy and anticonvulsant side effects), thus it was recommended that I begin Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with my therapist. I am only 2 weeks in, but this past week has had some hugely positive results.

My point is that you should you discuss the dizziness with your neurologist because there are other factors for the dizziness beyond the side effect of a medication. And there are lots of side effects from Keppra (or any other medication that are not mentioned), some of which because they are much less common might not even be known by your neurologist.

Here is a link to ALL the known side effects of Keppra:

September 15, 2023 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Regarding the dizziness or unsteadiness, unfortunately all AED causiness unstableness! I took Dilantin, which caused bone loss, now on Primidone and LamictalXR

September 15, 2023

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