Is It Normal To Be Told The Reason Or Cause Fire A Seizure Can Be Unknown?
Is it normal to be told the reason or cause of a seizure can remain unknown?
They don't know why I have it.
It really bothered me. I spent lots of time trying to come up with reasons by myself.
Doesn't matter.
What matters is I (we) got it, so let's work on fixing it.
Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it.
For 10 years i was offered 'no reason' for my seizures. Then i had extensive testing and scar tissue was found in my right temporal lobe. My suggestion is to kerp looking, get more MRIs see more doctors, telemetry is a great tool i had that done in Montreal but most brain hospitals will offer it.
Yes, the cause of my epilepsy is unkown & my doctor said the biggest cause of mine could be genetics but no one on either side has ever had a seizure so that’s not the cause. I mainly have focal/ complex parial seizures but I’ve had a few seizures where my lips & fingers turn blue so my seizures are changing & they are uncontrolled so having elilepsy is definitely a long process.
It is possible. It’s not always easy to understand how we were diagnosed with Epilepsy or what made us seizure out of the blue. Other times they can.
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