Can You Stop Minor Twitching Yourself If It's Epelptic Or Not?
Last night was very scary I hallucinated when I was awake which hasn't happened in a yr. When I hallucinate it's about my family being killed. I broke into hot sweats and my right wrist started twitching but I remember stopping it twitching myself by holding it. I'm assuming this is just anxiety and not epileptic?
I would also say see your doctor about it. Could have something to do with the seizures but I suspect it may be something else. I think it would be best to have it checked out.
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member. I believe Mommy20 , is talking about meds, like Ativan, Lorazepam and many other ones.
They are basically anxiety type meds. They also help relax your brain to slow down or even stop you from seizuring. It may even help you stop your twitches.
Iām on an oral Lorazepam. When I get clusters of seizures, I would take my recovery med. and 95% of the time it works for me
I get twitching in my sleeping sometime but my husband wakes me up cause I'm trying to wake up at the same time. The best idea is if your have emergency pills take one when you start having one. My anxiety only started after my grand mal seizures but has been acting up so I'm looking into it.
I would start researching on your meds . is a good site to start at. Check and see if any of the side effects match what your experiencing.
If so you may want to talk to your Dr.
Sometimes panick attacks or post traumatic disorder can also bring on seizures
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