Is It The CBD Or The THC That Controls Your Seizures?
I know I ask the most acquired and random questions lol. Its just that marijuana is the only thing that controls my seizures and the only part about it is I hate the high part. Im just wondering if I can find something that just has CBD in it if thats the part that controls our seizures.
I tried both & I don't like to get high but it definitely was both that work. If u are like me and don't want to get high than you must get cbd oil and make sure that it doesn't have thc in it
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member:. In Canada, we cannot buy CBD Oil at any retail outlet. Medical marijuana is regulated by Health Canada and we need a prescription for it. We can also claim it on our income tax as a medical expense.
THC and CBD are both generally beneficial for epilepsy, however it doesnt work for everyone with epilepsy (much like perscriptions dont work the same for everybody).
The safest way to see if you can use either is to try CBD first. But be aware, not all CBD is the same. Never go isolate unless you take drug tests. The best of the best is Spagyric followed by full spectrum. Also you should know where your CBD is coming from, if they are organic, and do they provide 3rd party testing for cannabinoids, solvents, and pesticides.
The next question you should ask is how will you take it? Topical or tincture? Both can be effective for epilepsy.
If you do benefit from CBD it is quite likely that THC will benefit you, too. However if your bipolar, have panic attacks, or are taking heart medication I would not reccomend THC from marijuana.
THC and CBD both have neuroprotective qualities and create better connection between the sanapsis. When used together, there is a synergistic effect that opens up your receptors to recieve more THC and CBD.
I live in Denver. I’ve been around and worked in the marijuana and CBD industry for several years. Ive done my research and I smoke marijuana everyday since I was 18.
There is a local pharmacy that compounds CBD oil. I've been using it for almost a year and the results are miraculous. I'm still taking 3000 mg. Keppra daily, but it never prevented all my seizures at all. I take 1.5 ml CBDtwice daily and have been seizure free for a couple of months. I'm also off all pain meds, hormones and morning dose of Xanax. I would encourage everyone to use this. I also believe you need full plant benefits, so I use THC also.
I use CBD oil and get it from the government store in Canada: it’s called Soleil Free. I was using it and it worked really well but apparently in doubles the strength of one of my meds. I had a choice between doing Modified Atkins or CBD oil, I chose the diet b/c it works better for me. Meds don’t work too well for me either.
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