Who Has Been Successful When Applying For SSDI Or Its Equivalent?
I have to share that even with a hearing with a lawyer, there was failure for me (received reject letter yesterday) in Massachusetts. The judge provided a letter going through all of the portions of the requirements to qualify. I honestly was rejected because I have no physical evidence. If I had some form of brain damage that required an MRI of my head, then I might have had help. However, failure to find a job when working with Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (where we went through… read more
Sorry things did not work out for You so far. Personally this is what I would do, get a copy of everything that You have done to help You control Your epilepsy, in the past, names of old Dr.s, old medication + current ones. Get copies of every result from every test You have taken. Any piece of information that provides anything about Your epilepsy/laws You have to follow. Finally get a statement from Your Dr., a professional educated in the field of neurology. Something nobody can say is fake. Do a little more research about what laws You have to follow, print those out also. Go prepared. Good Luck!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member There are indeed different rules in states (some are the same but not all). I had a lawyer from a law firm that are experts on these types of cases. The difference between your situation and mine (even if we exclude regulations by state) is that it was your doctor who is the one saying that you will never work again. My neurologist refused to go touch the subject. He indeed defends the medications and told me that there is no way that I am in a state where my memory recall is completely unreliable. In his defense, the latter was said on a bad day for him because he was completely unlike himself before or after that visit. And the former was not told me by my neurologist but rather his secretary. She told me to not waste my time asking him because he would not get involved in my application for SSDI.
And the key line in the judge's rejection to letter is the following: "...the mental impairments must result in one extreme limitation or two marked limitations in a broad area of functioning...the claimant has a moderate limitation. The claimant reported significant difficulties with memory. However, the record does not contain clinical findings to support this. Mental status exams indicated intact cognition, normal thought process..."
No where in the letter does it mention anything about no available reliable transportation. My lawyer pointed out that my 82 year-old father does not count here.
In Ohio, they do something called an epilepsy study. Where basically they take you off of all your medicine they video you and watch your brain waves it's usually no more than 5 days they also have a scan that they can do that shows brain damage and scar tissue. Maybe have your doctor call here to see if that helps your case to have it done.
Hello, contact the Epilepsy Foundation. Tell/show them everything You have done to get some help. Tell them what social security has told You/if more tests will help for proof. Etc. Don't give up doing this, keep doing everything You can think of, records from the past, every final result of every test, every medication You have taken. Every piece of information from every Year of Your Life that epilepsy has stopped You from doing something, every Dr. Etc. Make it impossible to deny You have epilepsy.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member SSDI is Social Security Disability. It is like being on SSI except on SSDI you get medical insurance and medication help instead of having to worry about paying it all in full. SSDI pays 85% of my bills where I live and then Medicaid (my county) pays the other 15%.
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