Starting this new medication tonight. Anyone have problems with this? Also wondering what your side effects were. Did it cause seizures more seizures in any of you? Because i know everyone is different. Thanks in advance
Just finished getting weened onto this as my 3rd med and no noticeable difference TBH. Others have caused me severe side effects and have had to drop off them immediately but this was hassle free.
Clobazam is my main medication i take for my seizures it is the main medication for them all i didn't have any symptoms from it but that is probably because I have been on so many different medications and my body is used to it and I'm immune to anti seizure medications but I was lucky enough that it worked for me because I had so many problems with others but I'm still doing good though.
I take it & I never had a problem w/it. I take 100mg @ night bc it’s very tiring. It made me a lot more tired & lost some of my appetite. I’m not complaining! Try it may like may not. Start of 25mg then each week increase.
Vimpat was such a strong nedication i dont notice many side effects from this one. Not really working but i was recently diagnosed with a new kind of epilepsy in my occipital lobe so we’re still trying to figure it out
I took it but it made me gain weight and because of my heart condition they decided it was not a good med for me even though I felt better.
Has Anyone Been On The Meds Listed Below? Has Anyone Had Many Side Effects?
I Stayed In The EMU For A Week. The Result Is Stopping Zonisamide And Starting Briviact. What Are Your Thoughts On Briviact?