Surgery Anesthetics And Seizures
Weird question. But has had anyone had any type of surgery where they have been put under anesthesia, and if so did it effect their seizures. I had knee surgery and it was noticed by some people that for a while when the anesthesia was in my system ( for the first week or two as anesthetics last in the body for a while) my seizures were absolutely non existant and i noticed i didnt experience any of my normal symptoms with my epilepsy. Has anyone else experienced this?
I was sedated for 10 days a couple years ago. When they were returning me to consciousness, I had a grand mal. I haven't had one for 5 years prior to that nor since. I still have the petits most days and multiple times but I can handle that.
Whenever I have had surgery, I usually had a seizure within 24-36 hrs after surgery. When I have been pregnant, I have wonderful health! No seizures or auras
When I had surgery last year ,I did notice my seizures were gone for a few weeks but that was short lived surgery messes with your body and it does take a while for it to start functioning normally .
Although I was also given Diazepam after surgery and during it apparently i did have a seizure under anesthesia and i was also concerned that I would have one during my hospital stay recovery was painful enough the last thing I wanted was to experience a seizure on top of that that would of been terrifying .
After 2 knee surgeries I haven't had any problems before or after the the surgery.
All the surgeries I’ve had, I never noticed any difference before and after being put under
Does General Anesthetics For Surgery Affect Anyone Else With Seizures?
Have You Ever Been Subject To Being Put Under By Anesthesia With Your Condition Or Without It?