Has Dr Told You That They Can’t Control Your Seizures With Meds?
My son was on Vimpat for 6 years. I seen no seizures then he started having falls. He got a pacemaker and dr removed the Vimpat and put him on Keppra. Then added zonisamide then added Epidiolex and still has falls from seizures. He don’t shake but still has them.
Hoping for a cure for him.
I have what Dyscognitive Refractory Epilepsy when diagnosed by Dr. Veedu. I had a "craniotomy" back in 2018 and have had no seizures since then ! Great feeling too ! 💜
Another thing of looking at medications, controlling our seizures , is whether or not work to their full potential. Sometimes it may take awhile to find the right medication or combo of meds. Then there is the possibility of any medication having full seizure control .
That would be similar to what , I’ve been through all my life.. I’ve been on many different brands and many different combinations. All AED meds. Never controlled my seizures 100% . They might work for the first week or two, but after that, my body adapts to meds, they lose their full potential of seizure control.
It’s called Refractory Epilepsy. When the Dr. can’t use just medications for a treatment, it’s time to look for an alternative treatment.
Treatments like the :
VNS ( Vagus Nerve Stimulation )
DBS ( Deep Brain Stimulation )
RNS ( Responsive Neuro Stimulation )
These are just few of the Alternative Treatments.
I had to rid of Keppra for it causes "rage" for me. I am now 5 yrs seizure free as of today Nov. 2, 2023 and weening myself off of Depakote and staying with Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 💜
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I’m sorry to say this but “Yes” doctors have told me that there’s no way medication can control my seizures. I’ve had several EEG’s, including a surgical one where doctors have seen my seizures. I’ve had seizures for over 30 years and been on every possible med but doctors have told me that my seizures are drug-resistant. Due to that I had a surgery and got the Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) but had no luck. Now I have a Neurostimulator (RNS) but still have some seizures.
Yes. It's drug resistant. They can just lower the amount.
Any One Age 60 Or More On AEDs For Long Long Time Having Or Fear To Get Major Side Effects.
Can You Stop A Seisure
I Am Wondering If You Are On XCOPRI And How You Feel About That Medication? My 21 Year Old Son Has Been On Lamotrgine For Over A Year.