I Do Not Have A Neurologist Here In N Calif I Had One In Daytona Beach, Prior To Seizures
No Neuro here in N Calif no CONTROLKED epileptic study done, nor a Keppra level done here, whereas I can't take the am dose. Scarey. I have Thrombocytopenia my blood doesn't clot. In 2017-2018 repeat MRI Showed normal brain. Disabled RN I never should of left Central Florida this frightens me
If you have a primary care doctor they can refer you to a neurologist plus order any labs while waiting to see the neurologist they referred you to
You can ask your primary doctor for a referral to a neurologist. Once it is given then you can check some neurologists out for yourself and see if they specialize in the condition of Epilepsy. This is currently what I am doing right now. I have a neurologist, but don't like the one I was referred to and so now I will see another one this month. Also, you can recommend from your primary doctor to see an Epileptologist (doctor that specializes in Epilepsy). I am going to prefer this because there are too many neurological conditions. Good luck with finding a neurologist/epileptologist.
Sutter Health or UC Davis in Sacramento have neurology depts that deal with epilepsy.
Have You Ever?
A Med? I Have Had My Meds Changed Once Since My Condition I Have, But What If The Doc Offered Or Brought Up A New One Would You Take It?
Has Anyone Else Had Their Epilepsy Type Diagnosis Changed?