Is There A Connection Between RH Negative And Epilepsy?
I would like to know the same thing as I have RH negative blood type
There has been some published research on the connection between RH negative blood type and Epilepsy.
However, there are still many years of additional research to find out more specifics.
NOTE: Here are the specifics of what the research has found so far. I will give you the specific search that I used and then links to the most recent research results (anything posted on research results at the US National Institute of Health and its sub departments like the US National Library of Medicine and the publications of research results by specific medical institutions --hospitals and departments of universities-- will also have the details in technical terms. In a quick search, I do not know if there is a translation of the technical articles into Plain English. This is common for all research throughout history. The translation into terms that are easy for the general public to understand do not come out until years after the published research, thus the newer the published research, the less likely that there is going to be a translation for the general public yet. And back in 2014, when I was working at Massachusetts General Hospital Treadwell Library for the last time, a video was created on Plain English by a committee from a range of departments at MGH -- which included the director of Treadwell Library. And in this video it explained that the average American (in 2014) had the knowledge of scientific terminology of a 4th grader. I have no idea what the level would be in 2023, but if I were to take an educated guess based upon the lack of investment by the government into the public education, I would say that the scientific knowledge vocabulary has gone down for the average American.
search results:
(specific report links in next message)
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