I Have Epilepsy AND Pnes...I Cannot Really Identify Specific Triggers. I Basically Stay Home. Only Go Out For Groceries And DR Appts.
Apparently my flight or fight response is broken/non-existent. It is not 1 trauma--it is layer upon layer of trauma since the age of around 2. The rubber band finally just won't stretch any further. I freeze, collapse, or just fall into seizure depending on the situation. And that could even be a dream or a memory! It's frustrating!
Thank you.
Hang in there and try and stay pos
I was recently diagnosed with PNES along with epilepsy ive had past 18yrs. I never knew about PnES. Sometimes I feel both diagnosis, is a big circle. Where one can lead or trigger another one. It definitely can be draining mentally and physically. Trying to learn the difference between a PNES and a seizure is not the easiest, as they both give me an aurora or weird feeling in my body prior. So now, starting treatment and hopefully with that I'll learn more about how to identify the difference between a non epileptic seizure and a seizure.
I would really like more information from you that’s what they think I may have not sure yet? Does this qualify for a disability
My 14 Year-old Has Had 3 Seizures Since July. I Can't Identify Any Common Triggers. Are There Any Triggers That You Wouldn't Expect?
Has Your Doctor Or Specialist Discussed Threshold With You?
I Had A Small One This Morning And Was Sitting Down Outside, Aware Of It, And Lasted About 20 Sec, But I Have A? About This Below,