Seizures Increased
My seizures have increased since originally starting. My original seizures were terrible in 2019 and was in the hospital for a month
Once released from hospital I would have one every 6+ months. I was pushing the issue and the doctors that I wanted to be seizure free. We continued to change seizure medication. As time went on they started to increase slightly more. I went on Fycompa and they started happening every month at least. I then went off of it. They are happening every 1-2 weeks now… read more
Tyler: Chances are your seizures will increase. That will happen in everybody who is not cured and is taking medicine, and the medicine is why. To start with the medicine should be effective, but your brain will get used to it (drug tolerance). When that happens the drug will no longer "do" the same things it did, or at least not as well. And with us that means the seizures will increase. So you can take more of the stuff to get the effect you had before. You can also consider other options. Medicine is not the only means of treating this disorder. If you would like further information on that point just say. Regards, Jake
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I am currently on two medications while this is going on. I use to be on three.
I am on:
zonisamide (Zonegran)
Xcopri (Cenobamate)
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I would definitely speak with your doctor. Each persons epilepsy is different. I am also on Fycompa.
What you described about increased frequency would most definitely happen to me if I didn't take my medication. I recently did a hospital stay to record my seizures and I went off my meds. I ended up having three seizures within 36 hours.
I would ask my Dr about going back on the drug that was controlling them more. Are you not on anything now? I would think they’d definitely put you back on something to control them more. They may decide you need an extended EEG. See what they say.
I went to John's Hopkins when I was a child for tourttes syndrome turns out now I have epilepsy. Had amazing Dr's. At John's Hopkins
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