In My 20's, I Did Drink "to Much" In My Opinion I Still Have A Shot And A Beer Now And Then With No Ill Effect
Being diagnosed with partial on set symptoms, dose that make me more or less immune to the effects of alcohol 🍸
In the 90's I was the perfect bartender, because I hardly ever drank, I could mix almost anything, and I could give attitude when need be or be a patrons best buddy if that's what they needed...😁
On occasions I may have a little bit of alcohol. But no hard liquors. Usually wine or champaign .
When I go to a bar and grill , I like to order Virgin ( nonalcoholic ) Sex on the Beach
To each there own I guess,
In my area of the north east we're pretty much blue collar so a pitcher of Alabama Slammers is about as fancy I get 😂
How Does Alcohol Affect You Personally? Is It A Trigger For Seizures For You? Do You Have A Certain Amount You Can Tolerate?
Has Anyone Ever Drank Beer Or A Cocktail While Taking Keppra?
Covid-19 Vaccine And Epilepsy