If You Are On A Med And Have Both The Name Brand And Generic, And Are Taking Both, Does It Show Dif During Your Levels Taken Get Drawn?
This only means that the insurance company is paying less money. Chemically Kepra and Levitra which I take are identical. Simply put generics are cheaper. ericthom3 Talk to your local pharmacist.
Not sure. I did this for about a month and felt fine but I never had a Blood test so I can't say.
The main ingredient in generics is the same as the brand name but every generic drug uses its own cocktail of supporting ingredients that don't have anything to do with the seizure drug. They are just the glue to mix together to make their pill.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, not too long back I did something similar. Thinking I had an eye check up appt., went in and ended up not having 1!. ðĪŠ
I went to my appt today and found out that for some unknown reason I was not scheduled and am going to reschedule my appt for mid March, but I am ok with that, my opinion
Changing From Brand To Generic
Do You Like Taking Generic Medicine Over The Name Brand Original Med You Are Prescribed, Or Does It Matter?
Brand V Generic Topiramate