Are You Ok With New Treatment And Such Etc That Are Brought To You By The Doc And The Medical Field Etc And Go With The Treatment And Such ?
I have had my condition and am informed about what is being offered to me and my condition, I have not to my knowledge rejected any of them brought up,I do sometimes question the treatment and such etc, but am usually ok with what I have been offered to help with the condition I have, that goes for my meds also, but what are your thoughts on this ❓ I'm ok with the older methods as well they still use to this day?
It's understandable to have questions about treatments, even standard or older ones. Being informed and involved in your care is important. Many MyEpilepsyTeam members share their experiences trying different therapies so others can learn. As medical advances happen, there may be promising options to discuss with your Show Full Answer
With the bad reactions due to the new medications they tried or the increased / decreased meds reaction I have been on since 2014 they found the proper medications and their levels and I am happy with what I am on now.
I trust my Epileptologist with the advices and possible changes in meds and other suggestions to discuss about.
That's good David, same here when necessary. Thankfully I'm no longer in the situation of needing anything to be done. I never hold back from asking a question to my Dr. if feel need too.
Before I make a decision on a new procedure or medication, I would ask a lot of questions and ask for clear and concise answers that you would understand. I would ask for success rates for the particular epilepsy you have. I would ask about possible side effects of the procedure or new medication. How would it affect your job? Make sure you're making an informed decision.
A?, Having Our Conditions And Such Etc We Have, And It's Not Our Fault But Having It, And More Below
A ? About Our Health And Our Conditions We Have, With The Condition And Treatment And Such Etc We Have, I Have More About Below.
I'm Ok With Tha Medical Field And Doc(s) Treatment And Such Etc, But Does It Seem Like You Know A Little Bit More Than The They Do, More